Alphabetical index of species, subfamiles, and families by common and scientific name
- Acadian Hairstreak
- Acastus Checkerspot,
- see Sagebrush Checkerspot
- Achalarus lyciades
- Admiral,
- Lorquin's
- Red
- Red-spotted
- Weidemeyer's
- White
- Admirals (Subfamily Limenitidinae)
- Afranius Duskywing
- Aglais
- Agraulis vanillae
- Agriades glandon
- Alberta Arctic
- Alberta Fritillary
- Alfalfa Butterfly,
- see Orange Sulphur
- Alpine,
- Banded
- Common
- Disa
- Eskimo, see Scree Alpine
- Four-dotted
- Lafontaine's, see Reddish Alpine
- Magdalena
- Mt. McKinley
- Reddish
- Red-disked
- Ross's
- Scree
- Taiga
- Vidler's
- Yellow-dotted
- Young's, see Four-dotted Alpine
- Alpines (genus Erebia)
- Amblyscirtes
- aesculapius
- hegon
- oslari
- simius
- vialis
- American Copper
- American Lady
- American Painted Lady,
- see American Lady
- American Snout
- Anatrytone logan
- Ancyloxypha numitor
- Anglewing, Satyr,
- see Satyr Comma
- Anglewings (genus Polygonia)
- Anicia Checkerspot,
- see Variable Checkerspot
- Anise Swallowtail
- Anthocharis
- sara
- stella
- Apaturinae (Subfamily)
- Aphrodite Fritillary
- Apodemia mormo
- Appalachian Brown
- Appalachian Eyed Brown,
- see Appalachian Brown
- Appias drusilla,
- see Great Southern White
- Arctic Blue
- Arctic Fritillary
- Arctic Skipper
- Arctic White
- Arctic,
- Alberta
- Chryxus
- Eskimo, see Sentinel Arctic
- Great
- Jutta
- Macoun's
- Melissa
- Philip's
- Polixenes
- Sentinel
- Uhler's
- White-Veined
- Arctics (genus Oeneis)
- Argynninae (Subfamily)
- Arrowhead Blue
- Ascia monuste
- Astarte Fritillary
- Asterocampa
- celtis
- clyton
- Atalopedes campestris
- Atlantis Fritillary
- Atrytone arogos,
- see Delaware Skipper
- Atrytonopsis hianna
- Azure,
- Cherry Gall
- Edwards',
- see Spring Azure
- Spring
- Summer
- Baltimore Checkerspot
- Banded Alpine
- Banded Hairstreak
- Baronia brevicornis
- Barry's Hairstreak
- Battus philenor
- Becker's White
- Behr's Hairstreak
- Beringian Fritillary
- Black Dash
- Black Swallowtail
- Blue Copper
- Blue,
- Arctic
- Arrowhead
- Boisduval's
- Cranberry
- Eastern Tailed
- Enoptes, see Rocky Mountain Dotted Blue
- Greenish
- Holly
- see Spring Azure
- Icarioides, see Boisduval's Blue
- Karner, see Melissa Blue
- Lupine
- Marine
- Melissa
- Northern
- Reakirt's
- Rocky Mountain Dotted
- Shasta
- Silvery
- Square-spotted
- Western Tailed
- Blues (Subfamily Polyommatinae)
- Bog Copper
- Bog Elfin
- Bog Fritillary
- Boisduval's Blue
- Boloria
- alberta
- astarte
- bellona
- chariclea
- epithore
- eunomia
- freija
- frigga
- improba
- napaea
- natazhati
- polaris
- selene
- titania, see Arctic Fritillary
- Booth's Sulphur
- Branded Skippers (Subfamily Hesperiinae)
- Brazilian Skipper
- Broad-winged Skipper
- Broken-Dash, Northern
- Bronze Copper
- Brown Elfin
- Brown,
- Appalachian
- Appalachian Eyed, see Appalachian Brown
- Eyed
- Buckeye, Common
- Cabbage White
- Calephelis muticum,
- see Family Riodinidae
- California Hairstreak
- California Marble see Desert Marble
- California Tortoiseshell
- California White,
- see Spring White
- Callippe Fritillary
- Callophrys
- affinis
- augustinus
- barryi
- eryphon
- fotis, see Moss's Elfin
- grynea
- henrici
- irus
- johnsoni
- lanoraieensis
- mossii
- nelsoni, see Rosner's Hairstreak
- niphon
- polia
- rosneri
- sheridanii
- spinetorum
- Calpodes ethlius
- Calycopis cecrops
- Canada Sulphur
- Canadian Tiger Swallowtail
- Carterocephalus palaemon
- Catasticta,
- see Pine White
- Celastrina
- argiolus, see Spring Azure
- ladon
- neglecta
- neglectamajor, see Spring Azure
- sp.
- violacea, see Spring Azure
- Cercyonis
- oetus
- pegala
- sthenele
- Chalcedon Checkerspot,
- see Variable Checkerspot
- Checkered White
- Checkerspot,
- Acastus, see Sagebrush Checkerspot
- Anicia, see Variable Checkerspot
- Baltimore
- Chalcedon, see Variable Checkerspot
- Damoetas
- Edith's
- Gillette's
- Gorgone
- Harris's
- Hoffmann's
- Northern
- Sagebrush
- Silvery
- Variable
- Checkerspots (Subfamily Melitaeinae)
- Cherry Gall Azure
- Chlosyne
- acastus
- damoetas
- gorgone
- harrisii
- hoffmanni
- nycteis
- palla
- Christina Sulphur
- Chryxus Arctic
- Cloak, Mourning
- Clodius Parnassian
- Clouded Skipper
- Clouded Sulphur
- Cloudless Sulphur
- Cloudywing,
- Northern
- Southern
- Coenonympha
- nipisiquit
- tullia
- Coliadinae (subfamily)
- Colias
- alexandra
- canadensis
- chippewa
- christina
- eurytheme
- gigantea
- hecla
- hyperborea, see Johansen's Sulphur
- interior
- johanseni
- krauthii, see Christina Sulphur
- meadii
- nastes
- occidentalis
- pelidne
- philodice
- scudderi, see Giant Sulphur
- tyche
- Columbine Duskywing
- Comma,
- see Eastern Comma
- Comma,
- Eastern
- Green
- Grey
- Hoary
- Oreas
- Satyr
- Common Alpine
- Common Branded Skipper
- Common Buckeye
- Common Checkered Skipper
- Common Ringlet
- Common Roadside Skipper
- Common Sulphur, see Clouded Sulphur
- Common Sootywing
- Common Wood-Nymph
- Compton Tortoiseshell
- Copper,
- American
- Blue
- Bog
- Bronze
- Dione, see Grey Copper
- Dorcas
- Edith's
- Grey
- Lilac-bordered
- Little, see American Copper
- Lustrous
- Mariposa
- Maritime
- Nivalis, see Lilac-bordered Copper
- Purplish
- Reakirt's, see Mariposa Copper
- Ruddy
- Coppers (Subfamily Lycaeninae)
- Coral Hairstreak
- Coronis Fritillary
- Cranberry Blue
- Crescent,
- Field
- Mylitta
- Northern
- Northern Pearl, see Northern Crescent
- Pale
- Pearl
- Tawny
- Crescents (Subfamily Melitaeinae)
- Crossline Skipper
- Dainty Sulphur
- Dakota Skipper
- Damoetas Checkerspot
- Danainae (subfamily)
- Danaus plexippus
- Dark Wood-Nymph,
- see Small Wood-Nymph
- Dash, Black
- Delaware Skipper
- Desert Marble
- Dingy Arctic Fritillary,
- see Dingy Fritillary
- Dingy Fritillary
- Dion Skipper
- Dione Copper,
- see Grey Copper
- Disa Alpine
- Dogface, Southern
- Dorcas Copper
- Draco Skipper
- Dreamy Duskywing
- Dukes' Skipper
- Dun Skipper
- Duskywing,
- Afranius
- Columbine
- Dreamy
- Funereal
- Horace's
- Juvenal's
- Mottled
- Pacuvius
- Persius
- Propertius
- Sleepy
- Wild Indigo
- Zarucco
- Dusted Skipper
- Duskywings (genus Erynnis)
- Early Hairstreak
- Eastern Comma
- Eastern Pine Elfin
- Eastern Tailed Blue
- Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
- Edith's Checkerspot
- Edith's Copper
- Edwards' Azure,
- see Spring Azure
- Edwards' Fritillary
- Edwards' Hairstreak
- Egleis Fritillary,
- see Great Basin Fritillary
- Elfin,
- Bog
- Brown
- Desert, see Moss's Elfin
- Eastern Pine
- Frosted
- Henry's
- Hoary
- Moss's
- Western Pine
- Emperor,
- Hackberry
- Tawny
- Emperors (Subfamily Apaturinae)
- Enodia anthedon
- Enoptes Blue,
- see Rocky Mountain Dotted Blue
- Epargyreus clarus
- Erebia (genus)
- Erebia
- anyuica
- dabanensis, see Four-dotted Alpine
- disa
- discoidalis
- epipsodea
- fasciata
- kozhantshikovi, see Reddish Alpine
- lafontainei
- mackinleyensis
- magdalena
- mancinus
- niphonica, see Vidler's Alpine
- occulta, see Scree Alpine
- pawlowskii
- pluto, see Magdalena Alpine
- rossii
- vidleri
- youngi
- Erora
- laeta
- quaderna, see Early Hairstreak
- Erynnis (genus)
- Erynnis
- afranius
- baptisiae
- brizo
- funeralis
- horatius
- icelus
- juvenalis
- lucilius
- martialis
- pacuvius
- persius
- propertius
- zarucco
- Eskimo Alpine,
- see Scree Alpine and Sentinel Arctic
- Euchloe
- ausonides
- creusa
- hyantis, see Desert Marble
- lotta
- naina
- olympia
- Euphilotes
- ancilla
- battoides
- enoptes, see Rocky Mountain Dotted Blue
- Euphydryas
- anicia, see Variable Checkerspot
- chalcedona
- editha
- gillettii
- phaeton
- Euphyes
- bimacula
- conspicua
- dion
- dukesi
- vestris
- Euptoieta
- claudia
- hegesia
- Eurema
- lisa
- mexicanum
- nicippe
- European Skipper
- Eurytides marcellus
- Everes
- amyntula
- comyntas
- Eversmann's Parnassian
- Eyed Brown
- Family
- Hesperiidae (family)
- Lycaenidae (family)
- Nymphalidae (family)
- Papilionidae (family)
- Pieridae (family)
- Riodinidae (family)
- Feniseca tarquinius
- Field Crescent
- Fiery Skipper
- Fixsenia favonius
- Four-dotted Alpine
- Freija Fritillary
- Frigga Fritillary
- Fritillaries (Subfamily Argynninae)
- Fritillary
- Alberta
- Aphrodite
- Arctic
- Astarte
- Atlantis
- Beringian
- Bog
- Callippe
- Coronis
- Dingy
- Dingy Arctic,
- see Dingy Fritillary
- Edwards'
- Fritillary
- Egleis,
- see Great Basin Fritillary
- Freija
- Frigga
- Great Basin
- Great Spangled
- Gulf
- Hydaspe
- Meadow
- Mexican
- Mormon
- Mountain
- Mt. Natazhat, see Beringian Fritillary
- Napaea, see Mountain Fritillary
- Northwestern
- Pacific
- Polaris
- Regal
- Silver-bordered
- Titania, see Arctic Fritillary
- Variegated
- Western Meadow, see Pacific Fritillary
- Zerene
- Frosted Elfin
- Funereal Duskywing
- Garita Skipperling
- Giant Sulphur
- Giant Swallowtail
- Gillette's Checkerspot
- Glassywing, Little
- Glaucopsyche
- lygdamus
- piasus
- Gorgone Checkerspot
- Great Arctic
- Great Basin Fritillary
- Great Basin Wood-Nymph
- Great Southern White
- Great Spangled Fritillary
- Green Comma
- Green Marble
- Greenish Blue
- Grey Comma
- Grey Copper
- Grey Hairstreak
- Grizzled Skipper
- Gulf Fritillary
- Hackberry Butterfly,
- see Hackberry Emperor
- Hackberry Emperor
- Hairstreak,
- Acadian
- Banded
- Barry's
- Behr's
- California
- Coral
- Early
- Edwards'
- Grey
- Hedgerow
- Hickory
- Johnson's
- Juniper
- Nelson's, see Rosner's Hairstreak
- Northern, see Southern Hairstreak
- Olive, see Juniper Hairstreak
- Red-banded
- Rosner's
- Sheridan's
- Sooty
- Southern
- Striped
- Sylvan
- Thicket
- Western Green
- White-M
- Hairstreaks (Subfamily Theclinae)
- Harris's Checkerspot
- Harvester
- Harvesters (Subfamily Miletinae)
- Hayhurst's Scallopwing
- Heath Sulphur
- Hecla Sulphur
- Hedgerow Hairstreak
- Heliconians (subfamily Heliconiinae)
- Heliconiinae (subfamily)
- Hemiargus isola
- Henry's Elfin
- Hesperia (genus)
- Hesperia
- assiniboia
- colorado
- comma
- dacotae
- juba
- leonardus
- nevada
- ottoe
- pahaska
- sassacus
- uncas
- Hesperiidae (family)
- Hesperiinae (subfamily)
- Heteropterinae (subfamily)
- Hickory Hairstreak
- Hoary Comma
- Hoary Edge
- Hoary Elfin
- Hobomok Skipper
- Hoffmann's Checkerspot
- Holly Blue,
- see Spring Azure
- Horace's Duskywing
- Hyantis Marble,
- see Desert Marble
- Hydaspe Fritillary
- Hylephila phyleus
- Icaricia
- icarioides
- lupini
- shasta
- Icarioides Blue,
- see Boisduval's Blue
- Indian Skipper
- Indra Swallowtail
- Inornate Ringlet,
- see Common Ringlet
- Intermediate Skippers (Subfamily Heteropterinae)
- Johansen's Sulphur
- Johnson's Hairstreak
- Juba Skipper
- Juniper Hairstreak
- Junonia coenia
- Jutta Arctic
- Juvenal's Duskywing
- Kahli Swallowtail, see Black Swallowtail and Old World Swallowtail
- Karner Blue,
- see Melissa Blue
- Krauth's Sulphur, see Christina Sulphur
- Labrador Sulphur
- Lace-winged Roadside Skipper
- Ladoga camilla, see Limenitis
- Lady,
- American
- American Painted, see American Lady
- Painted
- West Coast
- Lafontaine's Alpine, see Reddish Alpine
- Large Marble
- Large Orange Sulphur, see Cloudless Sulphur
- Least Skipper
- lecontei, see Zebra Swallowtail
- Leonard's Skipper
- Leonardus Skipper, see Leonard's Skipper
- Leptotes marina
- Lerema accius
- Libytheana carinenta
- Libytheinae (subfamily)
- Lilac-bordered Copper
- Limenitidinae (subfamily)
- Limenitis
- archippus
- arthemis
- lorquini
- weidemeyerii
- Little Copper, see American Copper
- Little Glassywing
- Little Sulphur, see Little Yellow
- Little Wood-Satyr
- Little Yellow
- Long Dash Skipper
- Long-tailed Skipper
- Lorquin's Admiral
- Lupine Blue
- Lustrous Copper
- Lycaeides
- Lycaeides idas
- Lycaeides melissa
- Lycaena
- cuprea
- dione
- dorcas
- dospassosi
- editha
- epixanthe
- helloides
- heteronea
- hyllus
- mariposa
- nivalis
- phlaeas
- rubida
- xanthoides, see Grey Copper
- Lycaenidae (family)
- Lycaeninae (subfamily)
- Macoun's Arctic
- Magdalena Alpine
- Marble,
- California, see Desert Marble
- Desert
- Green
- Hyantis, see Desert Marble
- Large
- Northern
- Olympia
- Marbles (Subfamily Pierinae)
- Margined White
- Marine Blue
- Mariposa Copper
- Maritime Copper
- Maritime Ringlet
- Mark, Question
- Mead's Sulphur
- Meadow Fritillary
- Megisto cymela
- Melissa Arctic
- Melissa Blue
- Melitaea pulchella, see Field Crescent
- Melitaeinae (subfamily)
- Metalmark,
- Mormon
- Swamp, see Family Riodinidae
- Metalmarks (family Riodinidae)
- Mexican Fritillary
- Mexican Snout, see American Snout
- Mexican Yellow
- Milbert's Tortoiseshell
- Miletinae (subfamily)
- Milkweed Butterflies (Subfamily Danainae)
- Mitoura, see Callophrys
- Monarch
- Mormon Fritillary
- Mormon Metalmark
- Moss's Elfin
- Mottled Duskywing
- Mountain Fritillary
- Mourning Cloak
- Mt. McKinley Alpine
- Mt. Natazhat Fritillary, see Beringian Fritillary
- Mulberry Wing
- Mustard White
- Mylitta Crescent
- Napaea Fritillary, see Mountain Fritillary
- Nathalis iole
- Nelson's Hairstreak, see Rosner's Hairstreak
- Neominois ridingsii
- Neophasia menapia
- Nevada Skipper
- Nitra Swallowtail, see Anise Swallowtail
- Nivalis Copper, see Lilac-bordered Copper
- Northern Blue
- Northern Broken-Dash
- Northern Checkerspot
- Northern Cloudywing
- Northern Crescent
- Northern Hairstreak, see Southern Hairstreak
- Northern Marble
- Northern Pearl Crescent, see Northern Crescent
- Northern Pearly-Eye
- Northwestern Fritillary
- Nymphalidae (family)
- Nymphalinae (subfamily)
- Nymphalis
- antiopa
- californica
- io
- milberti
- urticae
- vaualbum
- Oarisma
- garita
- poweshiek
- Ochlodes sylvanoides
- Ocola Skipper
- Oeneis (genus)
- Oeneis
- alberta
- alpina
- bore
- chryxus
- excubitor, see Species and Sentinel Arctic
- jutta
- macounii
- melissa
- nevadensis
- philipi, see Species and Philip's Arctic
- polixenes
- rosovi
- uhleri
- Old World Swallowtail
- Olive Hairstreak, see Juniper Hairstreak
- Olympia Marble
- Orange, Sleepy
- Orange Sulphur
- Orange-barred Sulphur
- Orangetip,
- Pacific
- Sara, see Pacific Orangetip
- Stella
- Orangetips (Subfamily Pierinae)
- Oreas Comma
- Oslar's Roadside Skipper
- Ottoe Skipper
- Pacific Fritillary
- Pacific Orangetip
- Pacuvius Duskywing
- Pahaska Skipper
- Painted Lady
- Pale Crescent
- Pale Swallowtail
- Panoquina ocola
- Papilio
- brevicauda
- canadensis
- cresphontes
- eurymedon
- glaucus
- indra
- kahli, see Black Swallowtail and Old World Swallowtail
- machaon
- multicaudatus
- nitra, see Anise Swallowtail
- polyxenes
- rutulus
- troilus
- zelicaon
- Papilionidae (family)
- Papilioninae (subfamily)
- Parnassian,
- Clodius
- Eversmann's
- Phoebus
- Rocky Mountain
- Parnassians (Subfamily Parnassiinae)
- Parnassiinae (subfamily)
- Parnassius
- clodius
- eversmanni
- phoebus
- smintheus
- Parrhasius m-album
- Peacock
- Peacocks (Subfamily Nymphalinae)
- Peak White, see Western White
- Pearl Crescent
- Pearly-Eye, Northern
- Peck's Skipper
- Pelidne Sulphur
- Pepper and Salt Skipper
- Percnodaimon pluto, see Magdalena Alpine
- Persius Duskywing
- Philip's Arctic
- Phoebis
- agarithe, see Cloudless Sulphur
- philea
- sennae
- Phoebus Parnassian
- Pholisora catullus
- Phyciodes
- batesii
- cocyta
- mylitta
- pallidus
- pratensis
- pulchella, see Field Crescent
- tharos
- Pieridae (family)
- Pierinae (subfamily)
- Pieris
- angelika
- marginalis
- napi, see Species and Mustard White
- oleracea
- rapae
- virginiensis
- Pine White
- Pink-edged Sulphur
- Pipevine Swallowtail
- Plains Skipper
- Plebejus saepiolus
- Poanes
- hobomok
- massasoit
- viator
- zabulon
- Polaris Fritillary
- Polites
- baracoa, see Whirlabout
- draco
- mystic
- origenes
- peckius
- rhesus
- sabuleti
- sonora
- themistocles
- vibex
- Polixenes Arctic
- Polygonia (genus)
- Polygonia
- comma
- faunus
- gracilis
- interrogationis
- oreas
- progne
- satyrus
- Polyommatinae (subfamily)
- Pompeius verna
- Pontia
- beckerii
- callidice, see Western White
- occidentalis
- protodice
- sisymbrii
- Poweshiek Skipperling
- Proclossiana, see Boloria
- Propertius Duskywing
- Pterourus, see Papilio
- Purple, Red-spotted
- Purplish Copper
- Pyrginae (subfamily)
- Pyrgine Skippers (Subfamily Pyrginae)
- Pyrgus
- centaureae
- communis
- ruralis
- scriptura
- Queen Alexandra's Sulphur
- Question Mark
- Reakirt's Blue
- Reakirt's Copper, see Mariposa Copper
- Red Admiral
- Red-banded Hairstreak
- Reddish Alpine
- Red-disked Alpine
- Red-spotted Admiral, see White Admiral, Red-spotted Purple
- Red-spotted Purple
- Regal Fritillary
- Rhesus Skipper
- Ridings' Satyr
- Ringlet, see Common Ringlet
- Ringlet,
- Common
- Inornate, see Common Ringlet
- Maritime
- Riodinidae (family)
- Roadside Skipper, see Common Roadside Skipper
- Rocky Mountain Dotted Blue
- Rocky Mountain Parnassian
- Rosner's Hairstreak
- Ross's Alpine
- Ruddy Copper
- Sachem
- Sagebrush Checkerspot
- Sandhill Skipper
- Sara Orangetip, see Pacific Orangetip
- Satyr Anglewing, see Satyr Comma
- Satyr Comma
- Satyr, Ridings'
- Satyrinae (subfamily)
- Satyrs (Subfamily Satyrinae)
- Satyrium
- acadicum
- behrii
- calanus
- californicum
- caryaevorum
- edwardsii
- fuliginosum
- liparops
- saepium
- sylvinum
- titus
- Satyrodes
- appalachia
- eurydice
- Scalloped Sootywing, see Hayhurst's Scallopwing
- Scallopwing, Hayhurst's
- Scree Alpine
- Scudder's Sulphur, see Giant Sulphur
- Sentinel Arctic
- Shasta Blue
- Sheridan's Hairstreak
- Short-tailed Swallowtail
- Silver-bordered Fritillary
- Silver-spotted Skipper
- Silvery Blue
- Silvery Checkerspot
- Simius Roadside Skipper
- Skipper,
- Arctic
- Brazilian
- Broad-winged
- Clouded
- Common Branded
- Common Checkered
- Common Roadside
- Crossline
- Dakota
- Delaware
- Dion
- Draco
- Dukes'
- Dun
- Dusted
- European
- Fiery
- Grizzled
- Hobomok
- Indian
- Juba
- Lace-winged Roadside
- Least
- Leonard's
- Leonardus, see Leonard's Skipper
- Long Dash
- Long-tailed
- Nevada
- Ocola
- Oslar's Roadside
- Ottoe
- Pahaska
- Peck's
- Pepper and Salt
- Plains
- Rhesus
- Roadside, see Common Roadside Skipper
- Sandhill
- Silver-spotted
- Simius Roadside
- Small Checkered
- Sonoran
- Tawny-edged
- Two-banded Checkered
- Two-spotted
- Uncas
- Western Branded
- Woodland
- Zabulon
- Skipperling,
- Garita
- Poweshiek
- Skippers (family Hesperiidae)
- Branded (Subfamily Hesperiinae) (genus Hesperia)
- Intermediate (Subfamily Heteropterinae)
- Pyrgine (Subfamily Pyrginae)
- Sleepy Duskywing
- Sleepy Orange
- Small Checkered Skipper
- Small Tortoiseshell
- Small Wood-Nymph
- Snout, American
- Snout, Mexican, see American Snout
- Snout Butterfly, see American Snout
- Snouts (subfamily Libytheinae)
- Sonoran Skipper
- Sooty Gossamer Wing, see Sooty Hairstreak
- Sooty Hairstreak
- Sootywing, Common
- Scalloped, see Hayhurst's Scallopwing
- Southern Cloudywing
- Southern Dogface
- Southern Hairstreak
- Speyeria
- aphrodite
- atlantis
- callippe
- coronis
- cybele
- edwardsii
- egleis
- electa, see Northwestern Fritillary
- hesperis
- hydaspe
- idalia
- mormonia
- zerene
- Spicebush Swallowtail
- Spring Azure
- Spring White
- Square-spotted Blue
- Staphylus hayhurstii
- Stella Orangetip
- Striped Hairstreak
- Strymon melinus
- Subfamily
- Apaturinae
- Coliadinae
- Danainae
- Heliconiinae
- Hesperiinae
- Heteropterinae
- Libytheinae
- Limenitidinae
- Lycaeninae
- Melitaeinae
- Miletinae
- Nymphalinae
- Papilioninae
- Parnassiinae
- Pierinae
- Polyommatinae
- Pyrginae
- Satyrinae
- Theclinae
- Sulphur,
- Booth's
- Canada
- Christina
- Clouded
- Cloudless
- Common, see Clouded Sulphur
- Dainty
- Giant
- Heath
- Hecla
- Johansen's
- Krauth's, see Christina Sulphur
- Labrador
- Large Orange, see Cloudless Sulphur
- Little, see Little Yellow
- Mead's
- Orange
- Orange-barred
- Pelidne
- Pink-edged
- Queen Alexandra's
- Scudder's, see Giant Sulphur
- Western
- Sulphurs (Subfamily Coliadinae)
- Summer Azure
- Swallowtail,
- Anise
- Black
- Canadian Tiger
- Eastern Tiger
- Giant
- Indra
- Kahli, see Black Swallowtail and "Early Stages" in Old World Swallowtail
- Nitra, see Anise Swallowtail
- Old World
- Pale
- Pipevine
- Short-tailed
- Spicebush
- Two-tailed
- Western Tiger
- Zebra
- Swallowtails (Subfamily Papilioninae)
- Swamp Metalmark, see Riodinidae (family)
- Sylvan Hairstreak
- Taiga Alpine
- Tawny Crescent
- Tawny Emperor
- Tawny-edged Skipper
- Theclinae (subfamily)
- Thicket Hairstreak
- Thistle Butterflies (Subfamily Nymphalinae)
- Thorybes
- bathyllus
- pylades
- Thymelicus lineola
- Tiger Swallowtail, Canadian
- Tiger Swallowtail, Eastern
- Tiger Swallowtail, Western
- Titania Fritillary, see Arctic Fritillary
- Tortoiseshell,
- California
- Compton
- Milbert's
- Small
- Tortoiseshells (Subfamily Nymphalinae)
- Tiger Swallowtail, Western
- Tropical White, see Great Southern White
- Two-banded Checkered Skipper
- Two-spotted Skipper
- Two-tailed Swallowtail
- Uhler's Arctic>
- Uncas Skipper
- Urbanus proteus
- Vacciniina optilete
- Vanessa
- annabella
- atalanta
- cardui
- carye, see West Coast Lady
- virginiensis
- Variable Checkerspot
- Variegated Fritillary
- Viceroy
- Vidler's Alpine
- Wallengrenia egeremet
- Weidemeyer's Admiral
- West Coast Lady
- West Virginia White
- Western Branded Skipper
- Western Green Hairstreak
- Western Meadow Fritillary, see Pacific Fritillary
- Western Pine Elfin
- Western Sulphur
- Western Tailed Blue
- Western Tiger Swallowtail
- Western White
- Whirlabout
- White Admiral
- White,
- Arctic
- Becker's
- Cabbage
- California, see Spring White
- Checkered
- Great Southern
- Margined
- Mustard
- Peak, see Western White
- Pine
- Spring
- Tropical, see Great Southern White
- Western
- West Virginia
- White-M Hairstreak
- Whites (Subfamily Pierinae)
- White-Veined Arctic
- Wild Indigo Duskywing
- Wing, Mulberry
- Woodland Skipper
- Wood-Nymph, see Common Wood-Nymph
- Wood-Nymph,
- Common
- Dark, see Small Wood-Nymph
- Great Basin
- Small
- Wood-Nymphs (Subfamily Satyrinae)
- Wood-Satyr, Little
- Yellow,
- Little
- Mexican
- Yellow-dotted Alpine
- Young's Alpine, see Four-dotted Alpine
- Yvretta, see Rhesus Skipper
- Zabulon Skipper
- Zarucco Duskywing
- Zebra Swallowtail
- Zerene cesonia
- Zerene Fritillary
Reproduced with permission from The Butterflies of Canada by Ross A. Layberry, Peter W. Hall, and J. Donald Lafontaine. University of Toronto Press; 1998. Specimen photos courtesy of John T. Fowler.