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Leonard's Skipper (Hesperia leonardus leonardus) male. Baskins Beach, Carleton Co., Ont. 17.VIII.75 R.A. Layberry Common Branded Skipper (Hesperia comma laurentina) male. Parrsboro, NS. 7.VIII.44 J. McDunnough
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Indian Skipper (Hesperia sassacus) male. Baskins Beach, Carleton Co., Ont. 1.VI.75 R.A. Layberry Ottoe Skipper (Hesperia ottoe) male. Aweme, Man. 27.VII.21 N. Criddle
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Plains Skipper (Hesperia assiniboia) male. Miniota, Man. H. Gibbon Dakota Skipper (Hesperia dacotae) male. Lundar, Man. 29.VI.87 P. Klassen
The Toronto Entomologists' Association thanks Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for providing the content and computer code for this web page.